Computing: Free Pascal Programming

What's new?

2024.07.06   New application   New application available: Solo Poker: Poker game for 1 player.

2024.06.18   New application   After a long time, a new application available: Lazarus/Free Pascal Curlicue fractal.

2024.06.07   New tutorial   New tutorial available: Building and using Free Pascal dynamic link libraries. The tutorial shows how to create a DLL, and how to call its procedures from Pascal, C and C++ programs.

2024.06.02   Tutorial update   Continuation with my tutorial about the installation of Lazarus on Linux. In the document about Installing Lazarus/Free Pascal on Debian based systems, added the information for the following three 32-bit Linux distributions: Bodhi Linux, Bunsenlabs Linux (failure), and Emmabuntüs.

2024.05.16   New program   New command line program (Linux terminal program) available: Interactively change Linux file permissions.

2024.05.03   Programming tip   New programming tip available: Working with DBF (dBASE) files.

2024.04.26   New tutorial   New tutorial available: Pointers - A beginners to intermediate overview. Including 15 elementary sample programs (available as ZIP download).

2024.03.20   Tutorial update   Continuation with my tutorial about the installation of Lazarus on Linux. Rewritten Installing Lazarus/Free Pascal on Arch Linux based systems with now the details for ArcoLinux, Mabox Linux, Manjaro, and Open Mandriva (system failure for this latter on).

2024.03.14   Application update   With the approach of Easter, data update available for my game applications Kidspuzzle (Easter bunny and Flying Easter eggs puzzles) and Memory (Easter bunnies and Easter eggs picture sets).

2024.03.12   New tutorial   New tutorial available: Using 32-bit and 64-bit inline assembly with Free Pascal.

2024.03.06   New tutorial   New tutorial available: Variable number of arguments in Free Pascal functions/procedures.

2024.02.07   New tutorial   New tutorial available: Free Pascal functions with multiple return-values.

2024.01.23   New application   New mathematics application available: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 2x2 matrix.

2024.01.20   New tutorial   New tutorial available: Using SQLite databases with Lazarus/Free Pascal. It describes how to connect to a SQLite database from a Lazarus application using TSQLite3Connection, or as an alternative, using TODBCConnection.

2024.01.14   New tutorial   New tutorial available: Special data types: Variants, variant records, and variant arrays.

2024.01.12   New program   New console program available: Compare the content of two (Windows) directories.