Computing: Free Pascal Programming

Visitor favorites: June 2024 most viewed pages and most downloaded files.


Most viewed Lazarus/Free Pascal pages.

Article title   Views   Total 2024
1. Using PostgreSQL databases with Lazarus/Free Pascal   124   514
2. Connecting to a MySQL database using Lazarus/Free Pascal   118   918
3. Using Microsoft SQL Server databases with Lazarus/Free Pascal     91   582
4. Using MariaDB databases with Lazarus/Free Pascal     87   608
5. Catching keystrokes in programs and applications     69   549

Most downloaded program sources.

Program description   Domain   Downloads   Total 2024
1. Simple client-server messaging application   Computer   22   66
2. Bacteria growth on 1 substrate   Biology   19   62
  Multiple question-types flower quiz   Biology   19   41

Most downloaded program executables.

Program description   Domain   Downloads   Total 2024
1. GUI to run common MS Windows network command line tools   Computer   14   33
  Exercise generator: Area and circumference of geometrical surfaces   Mathematics   13   23
3. Multiple question-types flower quiz   Biology   12   27
  Logic game (number puzzle): Grades   Games   12   24
  Application to test your visual memory and try to ameliorate it   Various   12   24
  Simulation of a simple pendulum   Physics   12   23