Computing: DOS, OS/2 & Windows Programming

What's new?

2024.07.24   Windows   New tutorial available in the DOS, OS/2 & Windows Programming section: Developing Raku applications on Windows 11.

2024.07.15   Languages   New tutorial available: Introduction to Gnuplot.

2024.06.19   Windows   New tutorial available: Using VSCode as IDE for D development.

2024.06.16   DOS   Started with the new programming series Exotic programming languages for DOS. The first article is about a programming language called XPL0.

2024.06.11   Windows   New text available: BASIC programming: Alternatives to Microsoft Visual Basic. It contains information about FreeBASIC, PureBasic, thinBasic, Oxygen Basic, Small Basic, and QB64.

2024.05.31   Windows   New tutorial available: Developing FreeBASIC applications on Windows 10. It contains details about the installation and usage of FreeBASIC, CSED_FB (FreeBASIC IDE), FBMath (FreeBASIC mathematics library), about accessing the Windows API, and about VisualFBEditor (FreeBASIC RAD environment). It also includes the description (GUI design, source code) of a simple project (Windows desktop application), created with VisualFBEditor.

2024.05.27   Windows   New tutorial available: Using VSCode as IDE for Go development.

2024.05.22   Windows   New tutorial available: Using Sublime Text as IDE for GCC/GFortran development. It includes details about the installation of MSYS2 (with the UCRT64 GCC and GFortran toolchains), the built of C/C++ and Fortran programs in the terminal, the installation of Sublime Text (with the required packages for use with Fortran), the build of C/C++ programs in Sublime Text, and the creation of a new GFortran build system (as the default one does not work correctly).

2024.05.15   Windows   New tutorial available: Developing Tcl/Tk applications on Windows 11.

2024.05.11   DOS   New tutorial available: Installing and running PowerBASIC on FreeDOS.

2024.04.30   Old Windows   New tutorial available: Installing and running Microsoft C Compiler on Windows 1.04.

2024.04.23   DOS   New tutorial available: Developing Modula-2 programs on DOS. It contains information about the installation of the Logitech Modula-2 development system (including the editor POINT), some details about the Modula-2 language (as a difference with Pascal), and some simple sources (also available as ZIP download).

2024.04.19   DOS   New tutorial available: Building Open Watcom C/C++ and Fortran 77 programs on FreeDOS.

2024.04.14   Windows   New tutorial available: Using VSCode as IDE for Rust development.

2024.04.10   Old Windows   Short text added: Installing Lazarus/Free Pascal 32-bit on old Windows releases.

2024.04.06   Languages   New tutorial available: Working with Perl hashes. The tutorial contains information about simple hashes, arrays of hashes, hashes of arrays and hashes of hashes, as well as about DB_File databases; the source code of the examples may be downloaded as ZIP archive.

2024.03.30   Windows   New tutorial available: Using VSCode as IDE for Julia development.

2024.03.28   Old Windows   New tutorial (intended for Windows 98, 2000, or XP) available: Dev-C++ & Dev-Pascal: Developing C++ and Pascal programs and GUI applications.

2024.03.23   Old Windows   New tutorial (intended for Windows 98, 2000, or XP) available: Dev+GNU Pascal: A full GPC programming environment + Win32 IDE.

2024.03.16   Windows   New tutorial available: Installing VSCode on Windows 10 (and showing how to build C and C++ programs).

2024.03.08   Windows   New tutorial available: Windows Programming: 32bit and 64bit assembly programming made easy with SASM. Source code of some NASM and FASM example programs free to download.

2024.02.26   DOS   New tutorial available: DOS Programming: 32-bit assembly programming using NASM and GCC. Source code of several example programs free to download.

2024.02.14   Languages   New tutorial available: An introduction to FORTRAN 77 (G77).

2024.02.05   DOS   New tutorial available: Developing PL/I programs on DOS.